Joliet Township Government Proclaims African American History Month 2025

Joliet, Illinois – February 18, 2025 – Joliet Township Government proudly proclaimed February 1-28, 2025, as African American History Month in Joliet Township at the January 14, 2025 Board Meeting. This proclamation honors the significant contributions of African Americans to U.S. history and culture and acknowledges the valuable role of African American residents of Joliet Township Government. 

In addition, Joliet Township Government demonstrates its commitment to honoring African American history through its support for the Joliet Area African American Historic Context Study since February 2024. This important initiative, made possible through an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Joliet, as well as funds from Lockport Township, Will County, and the State of Illinois, is focused on preserving and documenting Black history in the region. 

Supervisor Alicia Morales stated, “This month, we celebrate the important contributions of African Americans to our community and country. Our support of the African American Context Study shows our commitment to preserving and sharing the history of Joliet’s Black community for future generations.” 

Currently, the Joliet Area African American Historic Context Study is seeking input from community members on places, people, and events significant to the history of the region’s Black community. Share your memories and contribute to the study by visiting, or contact us at (708) 683-9121 or 

Additionally, the Joliet Area African American Historic Context Study, Joliet Area Historical Museum, and History on Wheels Museum are collecting photos, artifacts, and archival material on Joliet’s Black history. Attend the Community Collections Scan on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm at the Joliet Area Historical Museum, 204 N. Ottawa St. For more details, contact or call 815-723-5201. 

Office Closure – Severe Weather

Our offices will be closed due to severe weather on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Regular hours resume Thursday, February 13. Please be safe
Estaremos cerrados debido al clima severo el miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2025. Abriremos de nuevo el jueves, 13 de febrero.

Joliet Township Government partners with American Red Cross to host community blood drive

Joliet, IL — January 23, 2025 — Joliet Township Government, in partnership with the American Red Cross, invites the community to participate in a blood drive on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Ozzie & Peggy Mitchell Building, 172 S Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60433. To schedule an appointment or learn more about the donation process, visit and use the sponsor code: joliettown, or call 1-800-RED CROSS. 

“By hosting this blood drive, Joliet Township continues its commitment to supporting our community’s health and well-being,” said Keshia Ellis, Violence Prevention Director of Joliet Township Government. “This event offers a chance for neighbors, staff, and friends to make a real difference by donating blood and helping to save lives.” 

Blood is a life-saving resource that can only be replenished through volunteer donations. The American Red Cross emphasizes the importance of maintaining a steady supply, with someone in the U.S. requiring blood every two seconds. 

“Donating blood is an act of kindness that can directly impact local hospitals and patients in need,” added Ellis. “We encourage all eligible individuals to come forward, knowing that their contribution could provide a second chance for someone else.” 

The Red Cross is seeking donations from all blood types, with special urgency for those with O negative, A negative, and B negative blood types.


For the April 1st, 2025 Consolidated Election Per (10 ILCS 5/7-60.1) 

The Established Political Party Ballot Placement Lottery will be held on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, at 9:30 A.M. at the Town Hall Meeting Room on the First Floor in the Joliet Township Government Offices at 175 West Jefferson Street in Joliet, IL 60432. 

Entrance to the meeting room is located at the north end of the building, accessible via the stairway adjacent to the parking lot. 

Handicap accessible parking is available at the north end of the parking lot. Access to the building is provided via a ramp in the same area. 

 For further information call 815-726-5239 or email 

Estefany Bonilla, BFA 

Joliet Township Clerk  

Get Your Taxes Prepared for Free with Joliet Township’s VITA Program 

Joliet, IL – January 9, 2025 – Tax season is upon us, and Joliet Township Government is excited to offer the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program for the fourth consecutive season. In partnership with Will County Center for Community Concerns, qualifying individuals can get their taxes prepared for free. 

Understanding that tax preparation can be daunting, Joliet Township’s VITA program aims to make it easy and accessible for those in need. To qualify for this invaluable service, individuals must meet the following criteria: 

  • Income Limit: The program is available to individuals with a total income of less than $65,000. 
  • Residency: There are no residency restrictions. Individuals from any town, county, or region are welcome to participate. 
  • Seniors: The program is free for all seniors, regardless of income level. 

Here’s how individuals can take advantage of this opportunity in just four simple steps: 

  1. Pick up Their Tax Packet: Individuals can visit the Joliet Township Government Office located at 175 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60432, to collect their tax packet. 
  1. Complete the Intake Form: They can fill out the intake form and submit it along with their tax documents in the provided packet. The completed packet should be returned to the designated location. 
  1. Sit Back While Their Taxes Are Prepared: The team will meticulously review their documents and prepare their taxes. Once done, individuals will be contacted for a review. 
  1. Review and Sign Electronically: Upon completion, individuals will electronically review and sign their prepared documents. If eligible, they can expect their refund via direct deposit within 7-10 business days. 

For assistance or inquiries, individuals can contact: 

  • Patricia Venziano
    Phone: 815-726-4781 ext. 301 
  • Alejandra Zamudio (Spanish assistance)
    Phone: 815-726-4781 ext. 304 

The VITA program is designed with convenience in mind. Taxpayers are encouraged not to let tax season stress them out. Let Joliet Township Government take care of tax preparation needs for free. Interested individuals can call 815-726-4781 or visit and take the first step toward securing their financial future with confidence. 

Joliet Township Government’s LeShae Hudson to Receive 2024 Empowered Person Empowerment Award

JOLIET, IL – Dec. 9, 2024. Joliet Township Government is proud to announce that LeShae Hudson, MHS, Violence Prevention Council Coordinator (VPCC), will receive the 2024 Empowered Person Empowerment Award at the Community Stakeholders Holiday Breakfast. The event, hosted by Empowered People Church and the Empowerment Center, will take place on December 12, 2024, at the Empowerment Center in Park Forest. This celebration honors individuals who have made significant contributions to the Southland community. The Empowerment Center provides vital services to strengthen the community, offering resources related to violence prevention, mental health, youth development, and more. 

LeShae is recognized for her exceptional efforts in building partnerships with the Greater Illinois Violence Prevention organizations. As VPCC for Joliet Township, she has led initiatives like the Racial Equity Impact Assessment League (REIAL), Municipality Tours, and Reimagine Village. 

In addition to this upcoming recognition, LeShae was awarded the Collaborative Excellence in Prevention Award by Prevention First in September 2024. This award acknowledged her leadership and efforts to foster collaboration across organizations working to reduce gun violence and improve community health. 

In response to the January 2024 Romeo Nance incident, LeShae mobilized the coalition to provide critical services and created the Emergency Response Protocol, which helps organizations work together during gun violence incidents. LeShae also coordinates Municipality Tours, where Illinois communities share best practices in violence prevention, and through Reimagine Village, she meets with fellow VPCCs to collaborate across municipalities. 

“An honor should never be received as ‘I’, but always as ‘US’ and ‘WE’!” said LeShae. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work of the many partners who are committed to making our communities safer and more resilient. I’m proud of the progress we’ve made through collaboration and look forward to continuing our efforts to prevent gun violence across Illinois.” 

The 2024 Empowered Person Empowerment Award recognizes LeShae’s leadership in creating lasting partnerships to reduce gun violence and improve community safety. 

For more information about Joliet Township Government’s efforts, visit Joliet Township CVI Council. 

Democratic Caucus Results 2024: A message from Supervisor Alicia Morales

JOLIET, IL – Dec. 3, 2024. Following the results of the Democratic Caucus, the current Joliet Township Government Supervisor, Clerk, and Trustees will not be continuing on the Democratic slate for the upcoming April election. The current Highway Commissioner and Assessor will remain in their positions on the new Democratic slate.

This upcoming election gives voters the opportunity to choose between the new Democratic slate and the Republican slate. The final decision will be made by voters in April.

We are proud of the progress we’ve made in this administration, introducing and expanding initiatives that are making a real difference. Some of these key programs include:

  • Transportation Program: Providing rides for seniors and residents with disabilities, in partnership with local agencies.
  • Free Auto Repair: Helping low-income families with essential vehicle repairs.
  • Free Income Tax Filing: For individuals earning under $65,000.
  • Free Notary Services: Available in both English and Spanish.
  • Building Acquisitions: Two newly renovated buildings in high-need areas.
  • Behavioral Health Services: Offering mental health support for youth ages 6-24.
  • Community Violence Intervention Programs: Recognized with a state award and represented at the White House.

We would like to thank those who have made our progress possible, including our dedicated team, partners and collaborators, and community members whose support and efforts have been vital in bringing these initiatives to life.

We are hopeful for the future and for the new administration to continue to build on these efforts. We are open to supporting a smooth transition, working together to ensure stability and growth for the community.

JOLIET, IL- 3 de diciembre de 2024 – Según los resultados de la Asamblea Demócrata, la Supervisora, la Secretaria y los Fideicomisarios actuales no continuarán en la lista de candidatos demócratas para las elecciones de abril. El Comisionado de Carreteras actual y el Asesor actual permanecerán en sus posiciones en la nueva lista demócrata. 

En estas próximas elecciones, los votantes tienen la oportunidad de elegir entre la nueva lista demócrata y la republicana. La decisión final la tomarán los votantes en abril. 

Nos sentimos orgullosos de los avances que hemos logrado en esta administración, al introducir y desarrollar iniciativas que marcan una diferencia notable. Algunos de estos programas son: 

  • Programa de transporte: Transporte para personas mayores y residentes discapacitados, y colaboramos con agencias locales. 
  • Reparación gratuita de automóviles: Ayudando a familias de bajos ingresos con reparaciones esenciales de sus vehículos. 
  • Preparación de impuestos gratis: Para personas con ingresos menos de $65,000 dólares al año. 
  • Servicios de notario gratis: Disponible tanto en inglés como en español. 
  • Expansión: Dos edificios recién renovados en zonas muy necesitadas. 
  • Servicios de salud mental: Se ofrece apoyo de salud mental para jóvenes de 6 a 24 años. 
  • Programa de prevención de la violencia: Reconocido con un premio estatal y representados a nivel nacional y en la Casa Blanca. 

Agradecemos a todos los que contribuyeron a nuestro progreso: a nuestro equipo, a nuestros socios y colaboradores, y a los miembros de la comunidad, cuyo apoyo y esfuerzo han sido fundamentales para realizar estas iniciativas. 

Tenemos esperanza para el futuro y para que la nueva administración siga desarrollando estos esfuerzos. Estamos dispuestos a apoyar una buena transición, trabajando juntos para garantizar la estabilidad y el crecimiento de la comunidad. 

“Homes for the HOWLidays” Event

Homes for the Howlidays. Dog Adoption Fees Waived! $10 microchips for cats and dogs! December 2 - December 31, 2024. Image of golden retriever puppy and terrier puppy wearing christmas clothing and standing in front of a festive tree.

Joliet, IL — Nov. 26, 2024 — Joliet Township Government is excited to announce its “Homes for the Howlidays” adoption event, taking place from 8:30 AM on December 2, 2024, through 4:00 PM on December 31, 2024, at Joliet Township Animal Control, located at 2807 McDonough Street, Joliet, IL 60436. This event aims to help dogs find loving forever homes and promote responsible pet ownership. 

Throughout December, adoption fees for dogs will be waived, making it easier for families to bring home a new furry companion for the holidays. While the adoption fees are waived, medical fees will still apply to ensure every dog receives the care they need before joining their new family. 

In addition to waiving dog adoption fees, microchips for both dogs and cats will be available at a reduced cost of $10. Microchips are small devices implanted under a pet’s skin that store a unique identification number. If a lost pet is found, the microchip can be scanned by a veterinarian or animal shelter to reunite the pet with its family, providing a simple and effective way to ensure their safety. 

“We know the holiday season is a time for family, and dogs make wonderful additions to homes looking for love and companionship,” said Whitney McGill Director of Joliet Township Animal Control. “Through ‘Homes for the Howlidays,’ we’re excited to connect more dogs with families and promote responsible pet ownership.” 

For more information about the “Homes for the Howlidays” event or to adopt your new best friend, call 815-725-0333 or visit 

Next REIAL Meeting: November 20, 2024

REIAL Monthly Meeting | Reunión mensual de REIAL
Join us for the next Racial Equity Impact Assessment League (REIAL) virtual meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 1:00 PM (CST) on Zoom!
REIAL brings together community leaders and elected officials dedicated to advancing equity, preventing violence, and building a more inclusive Joliet. This monthly gathering is a platform to share updates, collaborate on meaningful initiatives, and ensure resources are directed to support all members of the community.
Don’t miss this chance to connect, contribute, and help drive impactful change. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month, and we welcome new members from organizations that share our vision for equity and inclusion.
Interested in joining? Please RSVP by reaching out to LeShae Hudson, Violence Prevention Council Coordinator, at
Meeting link:
Learn more:
Together, let’s make a difference!