Temporary Handicap Placard
Temporary Handicap Placard
Joliet Township issues temporary handicap parking placards to qualified individuals who submit an application signed by their physician stating the nature and duration of the applicant’s disability.
Applications are available at the Township office located at 175 W Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432 or click here to download the form.
Temporary Handicap Parking Placards are issued immediately upon receipt of a properly completed application.
Pick up an application at our offices OR download the application online
Complete Part 1 of the application and Part 3 and Part 4 must be completed by the physician.
Return completed application to our office 175 W Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432.
Temporary Handicap Placards are issued immediatly upon receipt of application.
Permanent Disability Parking Placard
If a permanent placard is needed, an application signed by a doctor will need to be submitted to the Secretary of State, Persons with Disabilities License Plates/Placard Unit, 501 S. Second St., Rm. 541, Springfield, IL 62756. Permanent placards or plates will take about two weeks to receive. The Township will gladly issue a Temporary Handicap Placard for 30 days until the applicant receives the Permanent Handicap Placard in the mail upon receipt of a copy of the completed form.
***The passage of House Bill (PA 97-0845), creates a new two-tiered parking program for persons with disabilities, allowing for only persons with certain types of disabilities, to qualify for meter-exempt parking in cities and municipalities.
In addition to the current blue (permanent) and red (temporary) persons with disabilities parking placards currently used in Illinois, a third placard, distinctive from the blue and red placards, will be introduced for those persons qualifying for meter-exempt parking.
Click here to download a pdf form of “Persons with Disabilities Certification for Parking Placards.”
Click here to download a pdf form of “Application for a Replacement Placard.”
Joliet Township Offices
175 W Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432
Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 12:00 pm 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Handicap Placards are issue immediately upon receipt of the completed application. Permanent Handicap Placards will be mailed to the applicant’s home.
This service is provided free of charge!